
Pool Manager Who Suffered Stroke Dies


The manager of a community swimming pool in Irvine who collapsed with a stroke after seeing an apparent drowning victim lying face down at the bottom of the pool died Saturday, authorities said.

A spokeswoman for Healthcare Medical Center of Tustin said Mary Hatt, 45, died without regaining consciousness about 24 hours after suffering the stroke.

Hatt was the on-site manager of the Village Park Recreation Center swimming pool, which is operated by the Village Park Homeowners Assn. in the University Park section of Irvine.


She suffered a stroke around 4:25 p.m. Friday after Dinh Quan, 54, of Irvine was found lying at the bottom of the pool. He was later pronounced dead at College Hospital Costa Mesa.

As lifeguards attempted to rescue Quan, witnesses said, Hatt was excitedly telling about 50 swimmers to get out of the pool. She apparently began experiencing severe breathing and collapsed.
