
‘Clear Thinking’ Is a Little Cloudy

Venant’s profile of philosopher Vlastos has revived my memories of my college years when so many of us were confronted with a major problem. Where in the sphere of learning did philosophy fit in? For me, the question came to a head when I had to choose between mathematics and philosophy as an elective. In selecting philosophy, I came to the realization that it was, of course, a very basic science that has received recognition from scientists, like Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell, for example.

I’m delighted philosophy is finally coming into its own and not too surprised to learn recently that some European philosophers are offering therapeutic sessions at competitive rates! And why not? Who would be in a better position to enlighten us on the meaning of life and frustrations thereof and how to survive with a degree of philosophic wisdom and assurance.

I’m also pleased to know that Dr. Vlastos is the recipient of a substantial fellowship from the MacArthur Foundation, which certainly enhances the concept of age.



Los Angeles
