
‘Heavy Duty Anger’ Draws Comments

Re “Heavy Duty Anger” (Sept. 23): I’m grateful that someone is addressing the problem of men’s inability/refusal to share homemaking and child-rearing on a 50-50 basis--and most of the men in this article are enlightened. My own husband is a feminist, supportive of my career and our daughters’ careers, but he only shares a small percentage of the household chores and will not cook. He’d rather throw the china into the trash and use paper plates than wash dishes.

I blame women for this problem, not us wives, but the mothers of sons. I address and admonish you mothers: Are you teaching your sons to help you with household chores? Are you teaching them respect for women? Are you bringing them up as helpmates? Or are you perpetuating this behavior by doing everything for them?

In spite of the role models they see at home, where mom does it all and dad watches sports, they must be taught a new way of behaving or women’s complaints will continue on ad infinitum. Once a man is a husband, it’s almost too late to change him.



