
School Reforms

I am writing in response to the recent commentary by Lorraine McDonnell (“Lessons in Raising Quality for Los Angeles Schools,” Opinion, Sept. 9). While I strongly agree with the writer as to the need for strong and focused leadership to address the many challenges facing us, she made some general statements about “the school board’s” commitment to reforms that certainly do not reflect my views or those of many of my colleagues.

School-based management is a critical element in the restructuring of this district. I have been a consistent and outspoken advocate for this reform. The controlling, top-down organization that has characterized this district must be replaced with a system that promotes innovation at the local school level.

The article states that the board is giving the first group of 27 school-based management schools “only one year to show increases in student achievement.” This is not the case. Rather, the board is requiring that within the first year the schools develop a set of measures that can be used over time to evaluate their progress.


MARK SLAVKIN, Member, Board of Education, Los Angeles Unified School Dist.
