
Wind Power

In “Gulf Crisis Spurs Interest in Renewable Sources of Electricity” (Part A, Nov. 8), The Times unwittingly repeats an old utility myth about wind energy being “unreliable.” Yes, wind is “intermittent,” but it’s as reliable as hydro or most other technologies. And when wind supplies a diversified utility, whether PG&E; or SCE, even wind’s intermittance becomes unimportant.

Your article inadvertently furthered Southern California Edison’s shortsighted policy of “bashing renewables” at every opportunity, a policy begun to help justify its merger with San Diego Gas & Electric. The Times would have been better served by calling Pacific Gas & Electric, a utility that has recently renewed its commitment to clean renewable sources of energy. PG&E; would have reported that wind is well-matched to the utility’s needs, and at times meets as much as 7% of the Bay Area’s demand.


Executive Director

Kern Wind Energy Assn., Tehachapi
