
New Jet Curb Sought at Van Nuys Airport

The Van Nuys Airport Advisory Council voted Tuesday to urge Los Angeles city officials to bar any new jets from being based at the airport. .

Members of the advisory group said they want the Board of Airport Commissioners to enact the recommended moratorium to halt a decade-long trend at the airfield of corporate jets displacing piston-engine craft favored by recreational fliers.

The council members blamed jets for increasing airport noise and for squeezing out many of the weekend fliers who formerly used the airport.


Airport officials say that since 1979, the number of jets based at the airport rose from 18 to 93 and the number of piston-engine planes dropped from 1,333 to 771.

Business operators at the airport say they expect the proportion of jets to continue to grow because renting and servicing jets is more profitable than catering to owners of piston-engine craft.
