
Full Steam Ahead on Easing Sinus Problems

Allergy and sinus sufferers may want to check out the new mini Steam Inhaler. It is so small--7 1/2 inches high and weighing only a pound--you can toss it in your suitcase for a trip or use it conveniently at home.

Billed by its Florida inventor as “the world’s smallest home and travel steam inhaler with controlled steam,” the device is efficient and effective in relieving nose and/or throat problems without medication.

To use, simply fill the plastic base with tap water and attach the vinyl hood. The Steam Inhaler has a small arm that permits steam-flow control. Steam lasts up to 30 minutes, with heat regulated by a solid-state temperature control.


The Steam Inhaler ($49.95 including shipping and handling) has a one-year warranty and is available through Hammacher Schlemmer stores and catalogue (800) 543-3366 or Bernhard Industries Inc., 300 71st St., Suite 435, Miami Beach, Fla. 33141; (800) 544-6425.

Cases Solve Chipped China Syndrome

Tired of chipping good china and crystal when taking it from the storage cupboard? Or do you just want to keep them clean when not in use? Quilted Storage Cases may be the answer.

These silver vinyl cases, with a sturdy zipper closure, hold a service for 12. Red and green cases, especially for your Christmas china, also are available.


For stemware, there’s a 16-by-2-by-10-inch model ($20) that holds 12 goblets. For china, there’s a four-piece plate set with cases for 11-inch dinner, nine-inch salad and eight-inch bread plates and seven-inch saucers ($20); a six-piece serving set for a variety of sizes of serving pieces ($20); a 12-section cup case ($20); a platter case for platters up to 16 inches ($13) and a rim soup case for 9-inch-by-6-inch bowls ($7).

Quilted Storage Cases are available at Geary’s, 351 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills 90210; (800) 243-2797.

Good for Getting That Last Drop

If you have arguments in your home because one family member squeezes the toothpaste tube in the middle, Squeeze Sleeve can save a lot of hassles. The plastic device is also handy for such other tubed products as cosmetics or caulking.


Squeeze Sleeve--which looks like a miniature neon-pink Stealth bomber--slips easily over the end of a used tube. Slide it toward the cap and it pushes out what’s inside. The sleeve fits toothpaste tubes up to 8.2 ounces and caulking tubes up to six ounces.

In Southern California, Squeeze Sleeve is available at Fedco stores. If you can’t find it, you can order it ($1.29 for one or $2.29 for two, plus 50 shipping and handling) from Corely Concepts, P.O. Box 3213, Cerritos 90703; (213) 924-8163.
