
SCHOOL REPORT : <i> News from the L.A. Unified school board meeting.</i> : Principals Given OK to Form Union

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The board Monday gave final approval to a two-year drive by principals to form their own union. Associated Administrators of Los Angeles, representing about 1,750 principals, assistant principals and middle managers at administrative offices, will begin contract negotiations with school officials this year. Previously, the administrators were represented by the superintendent’s office, but they began seeking more autonomy--and power--after the May, 1989, teachers strike.

The board also:

Authorized the sale of $4.3 million in certificates of participation, similar to bonds, for various capital improvements, including $1.2 million in additional construction at the East Los Angeles Skills Center. Other projects include moving the senior high school division offices to make room for a primary grades school and adding air conditioning at some of the district’s multitrack, year-round schools.

Accepted an offer by musician Herb Alpert to provide a $10,000 award annually to an outstanding teacher at Fairfax High School, his alma mater. Recipients will be chosen on the basis of their contributions to the overall school program as well as their classroom skills.


Classroom Capsule

Based on 1989-90 figures, 44.7% of all public school students in Los Angeles County--kindergarten through high school--are enrolled at a Los Angeles Unified School District campus.
