
Reward Offered for Maker of Neo-Nazi Video Games

The Simon Wiesenthal Center offered a $25,000 reward Friday for information leading to the conviction of whoever is making Neo-Nazi video games in Germany. It asked the German government to match the sum.

“We believe that this would demonstrate a seriousness to finally bringing these culprits to justice,” said Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean of the Los Angeles-based Holocaust research center.

The offer was triggered by a telegram sent by German Chancellor Helmut Kohl to Sen. Alfonse M. D’Amato (R-N.Y.) on Thursday and forwarded to the Wiesenthal Center. D’Amato last week wrote to Kohl and Austrian President Kurt Waldheim, asking them to prevent distribution of the games after the Wiesenthal Center publicized their apparent spread in Germany, Austria and Holland. D’Amato’s letters cited provisions of the Austrian and German criminal codes that forbid inciting racial hatreds.
