
Gay Scout Leader Barred

In response to “Scouts Can Bar Gay Man as Leader, Judge Rules,” Metro, May 22:

Looking up the word straight in a dictionary dated 1933, I found that out of over 25 definitions of the word not one referred to non-homosexual as the meaning. When my children were young, morally straight meant to be honest, crime-free and fair in dealing with others. Obviously, the meaning has been twisted to suit the purposes of the Boy Scouts, who now hide their bigotry under the guise of First Amendment rights. Shame on you, Judge Sally Disco, for not seeing through that.

Hopefully, parents who are more enlightened than either the legal system or the Boy Scouts won’t allow their children to join an organization that perpetuates a belief system based on myth and ignorance rather than good science.


Founder, Project 10

Los Angeles Unified School District
