
PLATFORM : Return Your Books

<i> ELIZABETH MARTINEZ SMITH, director of the Los Angeles Public Library, commented on the need for public cooperation if the library system is going to work. She told The Times:</i>

A major function of a public library system is predicated on the circulation of books, magazines, cassettes, etc. With our limited resources, it is important for borrowers to return materials in a timely manner so they may be available to others.

At the Los Angeles Public Library we have taken many steps to make the return procedures work. We have extended the loan period from two weeks to three weeks in recognition of busy schedules. Books can be returned to the Central Library or any branch, or to any library in the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System. We have installed book security systems and intrusion alarms to cut down on theft. We have a field investigator who pursues major losses and chronic misuse.

But the key to keeping the books moving from person to person is for everyone to return library materials after they have finished with them or when the loan period ends. That is one very good way to extend library service without increasing budgets.
