
SANTA ANA : Mater Dei Seeking Baker Street Closure

A shutdown of one block of Baker Street during the hours that Mater Dei High School is in session will be considered today by the City Council.

The resolution that will go before the council recommends that the street be closed between Edinger Avenue and Stanford Street from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on school days.

Mater Dei officials are making the request because they will be using a building on the east side of Baker Street as an administrative office and they anticipate heavy pedestrian traffic between the east and west sides of the street during school hours.


“It is a very reasonable request,” said T.C. Sutaria, the city’s traffic engineer. “It’s for safety, so I don’t think residents can object to that. Everyone wants safety. We don’t think it will adversely affect traffic circulation in the neighborhood.”
