
Arcadia : Zoning Change Approved

City officials have given preliminary approval to new zoning requirements that would preserve large lots in some single-family residential areas.

The proposal, passed by the City Council on a 5-0 vote Tuesday, would affect 411 large lots in southwest Arcadia bounded by Camino Real in the north, Palm Drive to the south, Holly Avenue in the west, and near El Monte Avenue in the east. Some lots extend beyond El Monte Avenue.

The proposal calls for a minimum of 15,000 square feet per single-family lot. The existing requirement is 12,500 square feet. Building heights and setbacks would not be affected.


Assistant Planning Director Donna Butler said the change would make new lots sizes compatible with others in the area. The new standards were discussed in December when the city’s general plan was revised.

The council Tuesday directed its staff to bring back an ordinance on Oct. 1.
