
MISSION VIEJO : Park Improvement Contracts Awarded

Plans to revamp four city parks went forward this week when the City Council agreed to spend $59,000 to hire architects for the project.

Following through on a recreation master plan to improve the city’s park system, city staff hopes to install landscaping, playground equipment, sidewalks and possibly a basketball court in the parks.

“We have money in the budget to do these park improvements,” said Kelly Doyle, city parks director. “We’re trying to focus on neighborhood parks.”


Residents living near Flamenco and Pinecrest parks would be the first beneficiaries of the city’s park improvement program. Both parcels, which abut each other and total about 12 acres, are scheduled to get new playground equipment, sidewalks and turf.

At Alicia Park, a 30-acre community facility, the city plans to build a 50-car parking lot and hire grading contractors to install a playground. If enough money remains in the budget for more improvements, the city will build an outdoor, half-court basketball facility.

In Wilderness Glen Park, an 82-acre site set aside as a wilderness preserve, the city will revegetate the land with plants such as coastal sage. Also planned are some landscaping and hiking trail improvements.


Three companies were awarded contracts to develop plans for the park improvements. Heimberger-Hirsch & Associates Inc. won a $17,700 contract for Alicia Park. Recreation Systems Inc. will receive $19,435 for Wilderness Glen Park, and RJM Design Group Inc. will be paid $22,400 to design improvements for Flamenco and Pinecrest parks.
