
Pedestrian Safety Record Earns 15th Consecutive Yearly Award

For the 15th consecutive year, La Mirada has been honored for outstanding pedestrian safety by the American Automobile Assn., which cited the city’s pedestrian safety record and public education programs on traffic safety.

The city competed among 424 cities with populations of 25,000 to 50,000 in the national program. A Pedestrian Safety Citation was recently presented to Mayor Bob Chotiner by Pat Guthrie, assistant manager of the Automobile Club of Southern California.

In honoring La Mirada, the automobile association singled out the city’s traffic safety public information program, an elementary school poster contest that focused on safety, the school crossing guard program and work by the Public Safety Commission, which responds to traffic concerns.


During 1990, the year covered by the citation, La Mirada had 14 traffic injuries, but no fatalities.
