
They’re Ready to Begin a Year Full of Promise

Promises are made to be broken.

That’s what you’ll tell yourself, anyway, when you break yet another New Year’s resolution.

Why is it so difficult to keep your word? Maybe the problem is the promise itself. Hot Topics wonders, “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”

“To have a positive attitude and a big smile!”

Jennifer Shaw, 16, junior, Los Alamitos

“To succeed in whatever I do.”

Mindy Cho, 15, freshman, Marina

“To choose right when I want to do wrong.”

Talia Solomona, 14, freshman, Sonora

“To live life to the fullest, as though I’m not promised a tomorrow.”

Sarah Denish, 15, sophomore, Santa Margarita

“To get more sleep, finally get a C on a government (class) quiz, get accepted to college, win the lottery and avoid going to college.”


Matt Cadish, 17, senior, Brea-Olinda

“To stop procrastinating.”

Shannon Michael, 17, senior, St. Margaret’s

“To save enough money for a decent car.”

Michelle Sainz, 16, junior, Woodbridge

“To be good to my new boyfriend and not get mad at him.”

Denise Ganal, 16, junior, Los Alamitos

“To get all A’s.”

Laura Atkinson, 14, freshman, Marina

“To not be so interested in diets.”

Jennifer Ashcraft, 14, freshman, Sonora

“To become more aware of the environment’s problems and to help do something about them.”

Erin Amber Chaparro, 15, sophomore, Santa Margarita

“To get straight A’s, have a positive outlook on college, study hard and eventually become a success at whatever I do.”

Donald Song, 17, senior, Brea-Olinda

“To not get in any trouble.”

Chelsea Burns, 16, sophomore, St. Margaret’s

“To devote my energies to doing things less stressful, getting into shape and spending more time with friends and family.”

Becky Jacobs, 16, junior, Woodbridge

“To find a good, loving boyfriend.”

Jessica Kaplan, 16, junior, Los Alamitos

“To make my parents happy so they stop yelling at me.”

Darren Kaplan, 15, freshman, Marina

“To bring my grade-point average up to a B.”

David Kenner, 18, senior, Sonora

“To grow.”

Hon Le, 14, freshman, Santa Margarita

“To do everything to the best of my ability, have no regrets for the past and only look forward to the future.”


Katherine Moses, 15, sophomore, Brea-Olinda

“To get new snow-board bindings and a full-time girlfriend.”

Eli Groenendyke, 18, senior, St. Margaret’s

“To get to school on time so that I can go to my locker, get good grades this year and the next because it counts in college, and to do my best but not over-exhaust myself.”

Jean Lin, 15, sophomore, Woodbridge

“To not have an accident or get a ticket all year, but I think I’m pushing it.”

Susan Asch, 16, junior, Los Alamitos

“To write more to friends that live far away.”

Thu Nguyen, 17, senior, Marina

“To do better in school and be the best person and friend possible.”

Carrie Roberts, 14, freshman, Sonora

“To get a job.”

Ted Doke, 16, junior, Santa Margarita

“To maintain my grades, be honest and be less responsible.”

Aneesh Shah, 16, junior, Brea-Olinda

“To get to know No. 32.”

Lindsay Perry, 14, freshman, St. Margaret’s

“To pass economics.”

Ryan Gouin, 17, senior, Woodbridge

“To find a pretty girl.”

Danny Cassano, 17, senior, Los Alamitos

“To show my parents how much I love them. To climb a mountain and to go sky-diving.”

Jaime Hannefield, 15, sophomore, Santa Margarita

“To develop good study habits and stop procrastinating.”

Caroline Chung, 17, senior, Woodbridge

“To love my boyfriend more than ever and treat him the best that I can.”

Wendy Palk, 16, junior, Los Alamitos

“To have a happy Easter.”

Travis Brown, 14, freshman, St. Margaret’s

Next Week’s Hot Topic: What is the perfect age? Why?

Responses gathered by Brian Lee (Brea-Olinda), Trisha Ginsburg (Los Alamitos), Gail Altman (Marina), Brooke Lyons (St. Margaret’s), Katie Elftmann (Santa Margarita), Persephone Gonzalez (Sonora) and Cheherazad Elavia (Woodbridge).
