
The law firm of Heller, Ehrman, White...

The law firm of Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe has elevated 13 attorneys to the status of partner. The new partners are:

Stephen A. Tuggy, 32, Los Angeles; Daniel L. Appelman, 47, Urico S. Rosales, 33, Vanessa Wells, 32, Stanley Young, 31, all residents of Palo Alto; R. Paul Beveridge, 30, Seattle; San Francisco residents Michael L. Charlson, 33, Richard D. De Natale, 32, Michael E. Dickstein, 32, Elisabeth R. Gunther, 34; Timothy G. Hoxie, 31; Edward A. Finklea, 40, Portland; Susan Reeves, 43, Anchorage.
