
Countywide : AAUW Plans Math Career Days for Girls

Women engineers, physicians and accountants will be among the guest speakers at a Math-Science Career Days for girls that will be held in Camarillo and Simi Valley this month.

Local chapters of the American Assn. of University Women are sponsoring the events in the two cities to encourage girls in elementary through high school to consider careers in math- and science-related fields.

A nationwide study by the organization, released this week, found that teachers often shortchange girls in favor of boys, and that schools traditionally steer girls away from the study of science, math and other subjects that lead to high-paying technical jobs.


Both Ventura County seminars will be Saturday, Feb. 29.

In Simi Valley, the Career Day will be held at Sequoia Junior High School from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

It is open to girls in grades five through 12, who will be able to choose three workshops out of a selection of 20.

The workshops will be run by women from professions ranging from landscape architect to marine biologist. Workshops for the girls’ parents will also be held.


The cost of the Simi Valley event is $5. Participants are asked to bring sack lunches. For information, call Louella Beppu at 522-5030.

In Camarillo, the Math-Science Career Day is co-sponsored by the Camarillo High School Parent-Teacher-Student Association and is open to girls in grades seven through 12. Activities will include workshops for both the girls and their parents.

The Camarillo event will be held at Camarillo High School from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The cost is $6, including lunch.

For information, call 484-9472 or pick up a registration form at the high school.
