
Water Supply

In light of the Point Loma sewage disaster, we should look to San Diego County Water Authority’s Capital Improvement Program for inspiration and future water supply.

Unlike the San Diego Clean Water program’s proposal to build seven more sewage plants to generate reclaimed water, the CIP is expanding and rehabilitating existing infrastructure. The CIP plan will bring an additional 400 million gallons per day into San Diego (on top of 580 MGD now imported). This program involves a sixth pipeline; improving old, undependable pipelines; expansion and constructing more storage for emergency supply.

The estimated cost for these improvements amounts to less than $1 per month for an average family. By supporting the CIP program we can remove the burden of water supply from San Diego sewage infrastructure maintenance problems. San Diego doesn’t need seven more sewage treatment plants to maintain and operate in order to generate reclaimed water. In 1999, the CIP program will address a large part of our water supply needs.


