
Mobile Home Park Owners Accused of Misrepresenting Their Case in Article

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I’m responding to the Feb. 27 article about the mobile home park owners’ suit challenging Malibu’s rent control ordinance.

Park owners’ misrepresentation! It certainly is uncommon for mobile homes in the Point Dume Park to sell for $400,000. How about looking at real estate ads in the Feb. 27 issue of the Malibu Surfside News. Out of 25 homes for sale, 12 were under $150,000; 11 between $150,000-$200,000; and 1 for $295,000.

It is not a fact that a large percentage of homes are owned by wealthy weekenders. The vast majority of homeowners are working adults, retirees and families with young children.


It is not a fact that the land rent for homes that sell for $150,000-$200,000 is a maximum of $800 a month. How about $1,100, $1,250, $1,300?

Yes, the park owners are certainly entitled to a “fair and equitable” profit, and had these owners presented the homeowners with “fair and equitable” rental leases, none of us--park owners, homeowners or the city of Malibu--would now be in this predicament.


