
GLENDALE : Accused Arsonist’s Book Is Ruled Inadmissible

Glendale Fire Capt. John L. Orr’s unpublished novel about a firefighter who is a serial arsonist cannot be used as evidence at Orr’s April 14 arson trial, a Los Angeles judge ruled Monday.

U.S. District Judge Edward Rafeedie said that the novel could have a “prejudicial effect” on jurors who must decide whether Orr, 42, of Eagle Rock, set fires at eight retail stores in Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo counties.

Prosecutors assert that there are “uncanny similarities” between the novel, “Points of Origin,” and the fires that Orr is accused of setting. Calling the book a crucial piece of evidence, Assistant U.S. Atty. Stefan D. Stein said he will appeal Rafeedie’s ruling and seek a postponement. In another pretrial ruling, Rafeedie agreed to allow prosecutors to use as evidence a fingerprint found on a piece of yellow, lined paper used as an incendiary device to start a 1987 fire in Bakersfield. Orr was attending an arson conference near the site of that blaze.
