
Help for Russia

Recently I placed an ad in a Russian newspaper seeking accommodations with English-speaking Russian families in Moscow for $10 a day. The response I got was overwhelming: over 60 letters and telegrams in one week alone. Without exception, all who replied seemed well-educated and friendly. But reading between the lines of their letters one can feel the desperation, poverty and hopelessness many of these people are experiencing.

If any of your readers would like to visit, financially help or contact any of these Russian individuals or families, they can call me and I will send them photo copies of the letters and telegrams I have received from Russia, along with their addresses. With this information, any American can become a helping friend to someone in need from Russia, on a genuinely personal basis.

I am in no way associated with any travel or tour service and do not represent any charity or other organization.




(714) 677-5941
