
MOORPARK : Pipe Flushing May Discolor Tap Water

Moorpark residents may find that their tap water is slightly discolored during the next two weeks as the local waterworks district completes its annual flushing of pipes in the area.

The Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1, which encompasses Moorpark and some surrounding unincorporated areas, began cleaning the various pipe systems in the area last week, said Satya Karra, an engineer for the district.

County workers annually flush the pipe systems to comply with state health regulations, he said.


Minerals such as iron and manganese have built up inside some pipes. The cleaning may loosen these deposits, causing some discoloration in residents’ tap water, Karra said.

Because the operation involves letting water gush from fire hydrants, the work is being done between midnight and 5 a.m. on weekdays to reduce the possible inconvenience to motorists and residents.

The flushing operation is expected to continue until the end of the month.
