
Tyranny in Iran

Your article by Reza Pahlavi (“The People Will Be Heard,” Commentary, June 30) was quite a surprise.

Pahlavi has failed to realize that no matter what transpires in Iran and how the events unfold, the righteousness and virtue of the 1979 revolution in Iran is irrefutable. What happened in Iran 14 years ago was a historic event that crushed a tradition of three centuries of exploitation and repression. If there is unrest in Iran, it is quite unthinkable to imagine that the rule of monarchy is the request made by the demonstrators. Furthermore, there is little evidence to support that fundamentalism is in decline; events in Algeria and Egypt have demonstrated that fundamentalism is actually gaining new grounds.

There is no doubt that Iran is in a state of economic crisis, and there is little doubt the pragmatists have yet to deliver on the promises of the revolution made more than a decade ago, but today’s Iran, unattractive by any standard and repressive in a totalitarian fashion, stills stands head and neck above the black years of the Pahlavi regime.



Los Angeles
