
A 1992 Retrospective : Database L.A.

A statistical snapshot of 1992. 16 earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or stronger that shook the Southland in 1992 63 is the number of days the state went without a budget 600 is the average number of drivers who dodge Blue Line crossing gates or make illegal turns in front of oncoming trains in one week 37% of women in L.A. city jobs who say they have been sexually harassed 16,500 families are onthe waiting list for Los Angeles public housing units 75 housing-unit vacancies each month 5 is the average number of years a family will wait for an apartment $1 B. is the estimated uninsured losses that resulted from the Los Angeles riots. 10,000 is the estimated number of people arrested during the riots 20,000 is the estimated number of people immediately put out of work by the riots 52 people died in Los Angeles County during the riots 2 people who died during the riots whose remains await identification at the county coroner’s office 64.3% is the percent increase in handgun sales in Los Angeles County in the month after the riots, as compared to May, 1991 $12,500 is the Federal Communications Commission’s maximum fine for one incident of indecent broadcasting $105,000 is the fine the FCC issued against Los Angeles’ KLSX-FM (97.1) for 12 alleged indecent comments broadcast during Howard Stern’s morning program $100,000 is the fee filmmaker Spike Lee reportedly paid George Holliday for use of Holliday’s video footage of the beating of Rodney G. King $2.7 m. is the amount the U.S. government has paid informants who were potential witnesses in the trials of those accused of torturing and murdering Drug Enforcement Administration agent Enrique Camarena $250,000 is the reported salary of television actor Ted Danson, per weekly episode of “Cheers” $25,974 is the starting annual salary of a Los Angeles public school teacher in the 1992-93 school year: $25,974 0 is the number of people cited for tortilla throwing at the 1992 Doo-Dah Parade
