
LOS ANGELES : Wrongful Death Suit Filed Against Nightclub Bouncer

The family of one of the men fatally shot outside a Hollywood nightclub has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the bouncer who fired the gun and his employers.

The Los Angeles Superior Court suit names actors Frank Stallone and Dolph Lundgren as two of five owners of the Blak and Bloo club on Sunset Boulevard, where Eric Pierce, 25, and Adrian Thames, 23, were killed by Roman Paul Luisi on Nov. 30.

Pierce’s wife, Terri, his mother, Annie Belle Williams, and brother Lawrence E. Pierce allege in the suit that the club owners negligently hired and supervised Luisi, whose preliminary hearing on murder charges will resume Feb. 5. Luisi is described as a man who “was not licensed to carry a firearm and had a propensity toward violent behavior.” Luisi is named, as are co-owners William and Sherri Silvestri, and Anthony Brooklier. The shootings provoked charges by community activists of anti-black bias at the club.
