
Language Barriers and Santa Ana Fire Tragedy

Ivette Pena writes regarding the recent tragedy in Santa Ana (Letters, “Tragedy Underlines Housing Cost,” Jan. 17), where three people lost their lives in a house fire, that this again brings to the “forefront the issue of overcrowding.” At this point she is absolutely correct.

She goes on to state that the real problem is not the overwhelming numbers of people that cram themselves into housing here in Santa Ana, but rather the lack of low-income housing available.

She further states that families often are forced to make choices between housing and the basic necessities and their choice is “understandable.”


I have lived in Santa Ana for the last 13 years. I have seen the blight, trash, crime and everything else that accompanies the overcrowding. I live here and I know what it is like. My taxes are high enough without additional taxes to provide low-income housing to illegal immigrants. These same people abuse the social services, hospitals and schools that my tax dollars support.

With respect to families making difficult choices, I would say to Ms. Pena that having children is a choice. Perhaps these same people could take some responsibility for their actions. I am sure that the next step is to sue the city or county for this tragedy. I, for one, am just sick of it and soon will join the exodus leaving California.


Santa Ana
