
Countywide : Volunteers Needed for AIDS Care Event

Volunteers are needed to help out at registration booths and hand water to walkers and runners participating in this year’s Walk for Life to benefit AIDS Care of Ventura County.

The event, scheduled April 4, will include a 10-kilometer run in addition to the walk.

Last year’s walk raised $42,000 for the nonprofit agency.

AIDS Care of Ventura County provides case management and support services to people who have acquired immune deficiency syndrome or who have tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus, officials said.

The agency is seeking 100 volunteers to help with the event, which attracted 400 participants last year.


Organizers hope to raise $100,000 this year, Executive Director Edie Brown said.

A meeting of volunteers will be held at 7 p.m. Friday at the AIDS Care office, 121 N. Fir St., Suite A, Ventura.
