
Twins Doubly Thankful for Contributions

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* When Maresa Archer called us and asked to do a story about us, we were very surprised and very pleased that someone thought our story was something that people would want to read about.

What has surprised us even more is the response from the article (“Double the Determination to Succeed,” May 28).

Our counselor has received so many calls and letters from people we have never met. Their words are full of kindness, inspiration, encouragement and love.


Our remaining tuition will now be taken care of and a fund has been started to help with our college educations.

As we’re sure you know, even the community colleges’ costs are rising. Your kindness will help us both continue our education.

While some people have come to Mater Dei (High School) with their gifts, others wish to remain anonymous. Because of this, we are writing this letter to express our deep thanks and our sincere gratefulness to all those who have reached out to us with their concern, love and inspiring words. There are many good people in this world--we know this for a fact.


God bless you all!


Santa Ana
