
Trash, Sweeping Rates Increasing

Trash rates increased Wednesday by 65 cents for homeowners and up to $2.08 for commercial property owners.

City Council members on Tuesday unanimously voted to increase fees for trash and street sweeping.

Residents using 100-gallon trash bins will pay $11.94, up from $11.29 per month. Commercial property owners will pay up to $135.46, a 1.56% increase, depending on the size of the trash bin used.


In addition, street sweeping rates increased 6.7% for both residential and commercial property owners. Single-family homeowners will pay $1.75 while apartments and other multidwelling units will pay 38 cents per unit each month.

Street sweeping fees for commercial property owners are based on the size of the property, Finance Director Larry Hurst said.

The average commercial property owner will see an increase of $2.63 for the sweeping.
