
YORBA LINDA : City Council Drops Trash Payment Plan

After hearing residents complain about a proposal to change the way residents pay for trash pickup, the City Council has dropped plans to add that fee to the county tax roll.

Mayor John M. Gullixson said the plan never had much chance of becoming reality this year in any case. The measure needs a four-fifths majority to pass and with Councilwoman Barbara Kiley, whose husband is a consultant to the company that provides trash service, forced to abstain, the remaining four would have had to unanimously approve the measure.

In addition, the city would have to hold a public hearing, vote on the matter and prepare the tax roll information before Aug. 10 to include it on the next tax bill in November.


In a complex move that involved raising some trash costs and lowering others, the council had planned to add the trash bill to the property tax roll to save residents about $2.50 a year. Residents pay for trash collection four times a year. Yorba Linda Disposal charges residents 24 cents a month to prepare, send and process each bill.

By including trash fees on tax bills, which are paid twice a year, billing fees would be reduced to 3 cents a month.

Since the plan was announced, the council has been addressed by several residents at each meeting objecting to the plan. Eileen Oldenburg and Brian Harvey both told the council they opposed it because it would give them less control over their bill and little leverage with the trash company when resolving disputes.
