
Investor Gift Wish? A View Into a Firm

Just in time for the holidays, here’s something for the investor who has everything--what could be the first multimedia research report about a firm.

The compact disc with 2 1/2 hours of video features interviews with executives of Read-Rite Corp. of Milpitas, Calif., and a factory tour, along with financial details. Read-Rite makes parts for disk drives, the devices that store data in computers.

Viewers can use a computer mouse to click and view segments on the CD-ROM by brokerage McClurg Capital Corp., which expects to offer the disc free to investors with the hardware--admittedly not a big audience.


But don’t expect Oscar-winning cinematography. “I was the camera and sound person,” said broker William N. Matson Jr. “It will be a lot slicker . . . when we hire professionals.”
