
Fountain Valley : City Imposes Police Contract; No Raises

After failed attempts at the bargaining table, the City Council this week unanimously imposed a contract for top-ranking police officers that offered them no pay raises.

City Manager Raymond H. Kromer said an impasse was declared following months of negotiations with the Fountain Valley Peace Officers Management Unit for a one-year period from November, 1992, to November, 1993.

A state mediator was brought in to settle differences, but that was unsuccessful.

The contract that was imposed, however, expired in November, 1993. But Kromer said terms of the contract will continue until a new agreement is negotiated.


Kromer said the management bargaining unit includes five police officers, two captains and three lieutenants.

The city’s final offer included increasing the city’s contribution to the health insurance premium, eliminating the lump sum merit bonus and not offering any pay increases.

Kromer said health insurance costs increased by $44 a month per employee, of which the city will pay half, or $22 toward the benefit.


Kromer also said the city has no extra money to give salary increases or bonuses.

He said the amount of merit bonus, which have been given in past years, varied depending on salaries.
