
An Unsightly Stretch of Ventura Boulevard

I was surprised to find no mention in your story “Ventura Blvd. Faces a Long Road Back” (April 23) of the monstrosity on Ventura one block east of Woodman Avenue.

This whole block is an eyesore of graffiti, broken-down stores and homeless sleeping in doorways. This was not caused by the earthquake or economics. As a matter of fact, it was a thriving block of unusual stores.

Our thanks must go to the efforts of the Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn., which opposed the construction of a two-story building because it was to have a room for the air-conditioning unit on the roof. Does the Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn. prefer what it has now to a new two-story building? Is it content to leave this atrocity? We who pass this street every day give our thanks.



Sherman Oaks
