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* When separating eggs, use a small aluminum funnel. Place funnel over measuring cup and break the egg into it. The yolk will remain while the white part slides through the stem into the cup.
* Seal small holes in window screens with clear cement glue. The repair will be almost invisible.
* Sweep up pet hair with a broom that has been dampened with water. Hair will cling to moisture.
* Avoid messy cleanups from painting jobs. Line roller tray with a plastic bag before pouring in paint. When finished, pick up edges of bag and dispose.
* Revitalize children’s sliding board. Rub slide with wax paper to renew slickness.
* Try using new shower caps as covers for leftovers. The clear caps fit snugly over bowls and you can see what’s inside.
* In the garden, snip off spent flower heads of blooming bulbs. Do not trim foliage that provides nutrients for next year’s flowers. Leave plants alone until they are completely withered.