
Flynn Praised for Metrolink Connection

I would like to commend Supervisor John K. Flynn for his efforts in bringing the Metrolink as an alternate mode of transportation to Oxnard. Mass transit not only provides safe and comfortable transportation, it promises that the world our children inherit will be cleaner because each of us has made a conscious decision to care about the future. Flynn’s leadership on Metrolink demonstrated his commitment to our children and the environment.

Many critics of Metrolink cite the expense we now must incur for operating costs and the impact this will have on the road repairs. I agree that potholes must be filled. However, it is necessary that local city and county agencies allocate funds more efficiently and spend less money on studies which do not necessarily impact the public’s welfare as Metrolink does. This does not need to be an all or nothing equation. I hope that other elected officials will emulate Flynn’s example and think about our future needs and not what’s politically expedient.


