
AIDS: Compassion for Those With Disease

This letter is in reference to a Letter to the Editor titled, “Jobs: Protecting the Rights of Workers” (Aug. 28). That letter was in reference to the article, “Supplying Compassion,” (Aug. 21).

I believe Mr. Dellinger’s understanding of the article is clouded by his self-righteous portrayal of what he believes is right. Obviously, he has a problem with the issue of AIDS.

We are in the business of providing health care to persons regardless of age, gender, race, religion or any other classification that might be considered discriminatory. What about the rights of patients, especially those afflicted with AIDS? Is it right to pass judgment and deny health care to persons living with AIDS because no one wants to care for them? No, it is not.


My reference to the employee who had a phobia about AIDS does not indicate this person was not a good nurse, but an illustration that at the time, this person was not able to carry out the requirements to care for persons living with AIDS.

I think Mr. Dellinger needs to reread the Americans With Disabilities Act; AIDS is considered a disability. What this country does not need is individuals disguising themselves as politically correct to disseminate their message of hatred and bigotry.

MICHAEL J. TORGAN Administrator, Country Villa South nursing home *


Kip Dellinger makes a very brave stand for the rights of workers everywhere. He bravely defies the politically correct oppressors of the people! We should all be proud that people like him are fighting for our rights to hold to any misguided, uninformed, reactionary or bigoted belief and perform our jobs accordingly. Under Mr. Dellinger’s philosophy, my innate phobia of old white male bigots would mean that if I were a police officer and he were being mugged, I could justifiably turn a blind eye to his problem. As a paramedic, I could go on break rather than give him CPR. As a doctor or nurse in a nursing home, I could let him lie there collecting bedsores rather than give him the medical attention he requires. And I could do all this with total job security!


Mr. Dellinger, on behalf of all workers with irrational and often hateful prejudices--and, let’s face it, that’s most of us--I offer my most sincere thanks.

HAMP SIMMONS West Hollywood
