
Working Together on Wetlands Issue

The Bolsa Chica Alliance is very pleased that the county has heard our comments regarding the tidal inlet. (“County Planners Offer 3rd Plan for Wetlands,” Nov. 7). We believe that the county’s third option is the best alternative because it has addressed the concern of density while allowing for a tidal inlet to create a superior wetlands restoration.

The opposition continues to state that this inlet will pollute the ocean. Yet it’s a known fact that the wetlands will act as a natural filtration system for the flood control system; the jetties and revetments will actually help prevent further erosion of the Huntington cliffs, and the inlet will solve the flooding problem that forces closure of Pacific Coast Highway during the rains.

We congratulate the staff for their foresight to come up with this alternative. Now let’s approve it and get started.



President, Bolsa Chica Alliance

* On Oct. 25, you published an article entitled “Huntington Beach Preparing Own Plan for Bolsa Chica.” The article included a comment made by the president of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica, that “. . . the wetlands undeveloped was tantamount to having the council members bury their heads in the sand.” He is additionally quoted as saying “We (i.e., Amigos de Bolsa Chica) think the city needs to be realistically addressing the possibility of development.”

We find it incredible that the Amigos de Bolsa Chica still call themselves “Amigos,” Spanish for friends, when they support some form of development on this ecosystem. We suggest that they reconsider their stand, change their name to something more descriptive, or both.

Neither logic nor scientific fact support a stand for housing development. Scientists know that urban runoff from housing poisons kills wetlands vegetation, which is a habitat for endangered wildlife species. It does not matter whether you build above or on the wetlands. The runoff, cat and dog pets, traffic noise and toxic exhaust fumes will destroy the wildlife species that are to be protected under federal law.


The Amigos have done important work in prior years. Only recently has their leadership compromised the public’s wishes and that of many of their members for preservation without development. Let’s reason together about what is best and what ought to be.


Spokesman, Sierra Club’s

Preserve Bolsa Chica Task Force

* I would like to applaud the county of Orange on its professionalism and decorum during the Bolsa Chica hearings. It was refreshing to hear positive comments for a change when dealing with a public entity. All too often, and particularly on this issue, we hear only negative responses and complaints about attitude, unreasonable positions and unwillingness on the part of the governmental officials to be objective when considering issues.


Huntington Beach
