
The ABCs of Making a Hit TV Show

“Is ABC Opening a Pandora’s Box With Dream Team?” (Nov. 30), about the deal the so-called Dream Team cut with ABC, proves again why network TV managers are the second-most incompetent group of executives in business today.

First, a minor point ABC overlooked: Every one of Spielberg’s programs has failed. He is one of the great movie makers. but, like most people working in TV, doesn’t understand how to make a hit TV show.

But the key issue is that ABC’s stockholders are guaranteed to lose money on this deal. Here’s how:


ABC’s programmers will run the Teams’ programs after established hits like “Home Improvement,” which ensures high ratings. They have to do this to cover their rears and justify the deal, or else they look bad, since running in weaker time slots leads to failure.

But the flaw is that any program running behind “Home Improvement” is guaranteed to earn the same or similarly high ratings the Team’s programs will. And, since the “Dream Team” is paid more than other suppliers, there is less for ABC.

So, for the same ratings as would be generated by other programs, ABC’s people who made the deal will superficially look “good,” but the return to ABC’s stockholders is reduced.


If you’re wondering which executives rank below those in TV, it should be clear. It’s the network’s boards of directors who hire them and approve deals like this.


Sherman Oaks
