
A summary of selected Los Angeles City...

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A summary of selected Los Angeles City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside.


* POOL IMPROVEMENTS--Authorized spending $1.4 million to refurbish 12 swimming pools throughout the city so that they will be ready for use by summer. The repairs include replacing rails, pool vacuums, filters and circulation pumps. The pools also will receive caulking, sandblasting and painting.


* STOLEN VEHICLE RECOVERY--Authorized the police chief to accept bids from vendors for the Stolen Vehicle Recovery Network, an electronic system for tracking stolen vehicles. A five-year contract with the LoJack Corp. has ended. Vehicles in the network contain tracking devices that are activated when the vehicles are reported stolen. Through a central computer, the vehicles are tracked and recovered. Since the start of the program, according to police records, 58.7% of vehicles stolen without LoJack sustained major damage, compared to 7% of the LoJack-equipped cars. Passed 12-0. Voting yes: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Ruth Galanter, Jackie Goldberg, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas.
