
Mortuary Sale Makes State Sanctions Moot

The state Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers announced Thursday that the Ray Family San Clemente Mortuary has agreed to close down for 45 days and be placed on two years’ probation for violations between 1989 and 1991.

But a Ray family member said Thursday that the business changed hands several months ago, which means that the penalty, decided in March but just disclosed, will not not apply because of the new owners.

“It’s been sold,” said the family member, who asked not to be identified.

Richard P. Yanes, executive officer of the Consumer Affairs Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers, confirmed that new owners would not be held to the agreement. Yanes was not aware Thursday of the business being sold.


Under the ownership of the Ray family, the mortuary admitted to having two unlicensed embalmers perform work between June, 1989, and December, 1991, in San Clemente and at its then-Laguna Beach location, Yanes said.

The business also admitted to signing the names of physicians on death certificates, signing the names of licensed embalmers on embalming certificates and charging at least one customer a fee higher than allowed by state law, Yanes said.
