
The Kings: A Team You Can Bank On

So now Bank of America is lending more millions to save the Kings: first to the crook McNall, then to Sudikoff and Cohen (who never came up with the millions they promised to inject into the team), and now to a new entity.

On the same day, your paper runs an article with the headline: “B of A Declines to Aid State Workers in Budget Impasse.”

So these employees of our fair state will be losing their payroll and possibly their credit because they’re not famous, and this bank still insures Bruce McNall getting his $40,000 per month, so that he can still drive around in his Lincoln Town Car and eat at the finest restaurants?



Beverly Hills


Mike Downey hit it right on the head [July 16]. The Kings’ organization (if it can be called that) is in utter disarray. Why are the Kings courting a coach (Dave King) who couldn’t get a very talented Calgary team past the first round of the playoffs three years in a row?

Fans will support a building team. They won’t support an organization deep in corruption, dishonesty and incompetence. New, smart ownership, with deep pockets and entirely unrelated to the Kings’ past, is the only thing that will keep the Forum from feeling like a morgue on game nights next season.


Playa del Rey
