
Fire Education Belongs in Schools

* In the article “Extinguishing an Interest in Starting Fires,” (Aug. 18) it was stated that the juveniles responsible for this fire were being sought not only for questioning but also to be enrolled in a Youth Firesetter Program. I applaud the efforts to combat arson and agree with Emmy Day, Orange County Fire Authority spokeswoman, that we as taxpayers should not share the burden of these types of fires. I do disagree that this is an answer.

It may deter crime from occurring again; it won’t stop it before it happens and takes a life or more property. This response is reactive, not proactive. Would it not behoove us and the fire service in general to ensure this type of education was in the schools before the fire had a potential to occur? We educate children for all types of issues before they are exposed to them. As parents it is our responsibility.

I applaud the authority for trying to bring this heinous crime under control before we all attend another firefighter’s funeral, lose more property as we did in Laguna, or, worse, the child dies in the act.


Let’s all get behind this issue and educate our children and the school system. We certainly need it, as indicated by the small footprints leading away from the fire.


San Clemente
