
Wachs’ Apology Is Presumptuous

* Re: Joel Wachs’ apology.

Congratulations, Mr. Wachs, on your reformation. I am glad that you have decided to stop being racist and bigoted. I am also happy that you have decided to focus your leadership duties toward harmony and away from destructive hatred, given that all people of Los Angeles probably thought that was your goal all along.

I, however, have no reason to apologize since I have long believed in treating all people with fairness, courtesy and dignity, and act on that belief. There are people who earn condemnation on the basis of their actions, like Mark Fuhrman, but I believe these individuals must stand alone in taking responsibility for their actions. Mark Fuhrman does not represent me, all whites, all policemen or any other group, just as a white, black, Latino, Native American, Jewish, Catholic, Irish or any other category of criminal represents all of their fellow men, women, ethnic, religious or racial groups.

Before you presume to apologize for an entire city or any other group of people, please get their agreement--it’s simply a matter of courtesy, respect and treating them with dignity.



North Hollywood
