
San Clemente Seeks Bids for Golf Course Facility

Over protests from residents, the City Council voted this week to seek bids for a new golf course maintenance facility that could cost more than $500,000.

“The only way that we’re going to make an informed decision as to . . . cost will be to put it out to bid,” Councilman Joseph Anderson said.

The 7,000-square-foot facility would replace the city course’s current storage building, which is dilapidated and running out of space, officials said. It would be used to store equipment and fertilizer and would house administrative offices, restrooms and repair rooms.


“It’s quite an important facility that we do need badly,” said Paul H. Linden, golf course manager. “We have about $700,000 worth of equipment that we use on the golf course, and it’s open to vandalism.”

Some residents, however, objected. “I feel it is a complete waste of money,” resident Tom Lynch said. “I would rather see that money used to improve the clubhouse or the golf course.”

Funds for the project, including the demolition of the existing storage building, would come from the city’s Golf Course Capital Improvement Reserve Account as well as the Golf Course Depreciation Account.
