
Tax Exemption for Funerals Too High

A recent Associated Press dispatch reported that Sen. Bob Dole has included in the proposed GOP tax plan a measure that would raise the income cap on tax-free funeral insurance policies. This would enable those on Medi-Cal to exempt from their assets more than the already overly generous amount now exempted. The provision would cost the U.S. Treasury about $3.5 million over seven years and would benefit only a few insurance firms.

As a 35-year volunteer for the nonprofit funeral and memorial societies of the country, I know that the amounts allowed for funerals under the exemptions now existing and the Dole-proposed additions are far too much.

The memorial societies encourage simplicity, dignity and reasonable cost in final arrangements. Members of the local Channel Cities Memorial Society pay less than $1,000 for all costs for after-death goods and services.




John Buchanan is president of the Ojai-based Channel Cities Memorial Society.
