
Granada Hills : City Denies Permit for Cell Phone Antenna

A city zoning official has denied a city permit for the construction of a controversial 62-foot-high pole antenna for cellular phone transmissions on the campus of Patrick Henry Middle School.

In a report released Tuesday, Associate Zoning Administrator Horace Tramel rejected a conditional-use permit requested by L.A. Cellular to build the antenna at the school.

“The project as proposed would not be consistent with the existing character of the area and would detract from the ambience of the community and could adversely affect property values in the local area,” Tramel wrote in his report, explaining that the antenna would tower over other buildings in the area.


Nearby residents opposed the antenna on grounds that the electronic transmissions could pose a health hazard to children and that the antenna would be an unsightly addition to their neighborhood. The cellular company said the antennas are safe and had offered to camouflage the antenna with trees.

The cellular company has until Jan. 31 to file an appeal.
