
Government No Help to Unwanted Animals

Re: “Unlucky Fate: Animals City Rescued Will Face Death Penalty if Not Adopted Soon,” Jan. 11.

Let’s see if I have this straight: City officials “rescued” 140 sick, old and unruly animals that no one except Mary Lou Rossignol would care for from her “dirty” kennel and, now, all of these animals will be put to death unless adopted. In the process, these officials forced Rossignol to shut down her kennel, where she cared for the unwanted animals she rescued from city “shelters” in order to prevent them from being put to death. And, bringing the total cost of this fiasco to more than $140,000, Rossignol was forced to (successfully) defend herself in a jury trial against criminal charges for cruelty to animals.

The next time anyone says, “The government is here to help,” I will respond with a resounding and vibrant, “No thanks.”



Toluca Lake
