
The Two Sides to El Toro Reuse

It is inconceivable to me that the thinking citizens of Orange County would not accept and use the $100-million asset known as El Toro Marine Corps Air Station for its intended use--an airport.

We have already agreed to that use once; now we have some confused losers attempting to set aside our decision based on faulty reasoning. No one questions that land adjacent to an airport is subject to high noise. However, manufacturers of civilian aircraft realized that some years ago, and now all new aircraft will have a 40% lower noise footprint than the 707 and DC-8 aircraft of past years. Further, the state of California through statute provides for and monitors the noise impact for all civilian airports. The statute’s only function is to provide a livable climate around airports, and it is successful.

I can only shake my head in disbelief when I hear residents near El Toro complain that noise would influence their quality of life. Those are the same residents that bought homes adjacent to an airport that has been in existence for over 50 years! Further, this airport was not one supporting Piper Cubs, Cessnas or DC-3 aircraft, but a military airport complete with squadrons of the highest performance aircraft the country could manufacture! It was through the thoughtful and conscientious commanders of [the air base] that the airport neighbors lived so well, considering their location.


Those who say that John Wayne Airport, even now, satisfies the flying needs of Orange County are ignoring the statistics of the flying public forced to depart from Los Angeles International Airport (or even Lindbergh Field in San Diego).

It would be a colossal mistake not to use this needed facility so fortuitously made available to us.



* The entity seeking citizen involvement regarding possible non-aviation uses for El Toro Marine Corps Air Station is the El Toro Local Redevelopment Authority and the Citizens Advisory Council.


I believe that it is imperative that citizens know this is the group that was set up just over a year ago in response to the Newport Beach-sponsored pro-airport initiative known as Measure A. This group does not contain any legitimate representation from the most impacted communities surrounding the base.

To say that the request for non-aviation uses is disingenuous is a monstrous understatement. The purpose of this group is to build an airport. It is mandated to do just that.

Why is there now the call for citizen input? Why is there now the need for a public sham of seeking other ideas? Is this an effort to obfuscate the upcoming public awareness brought by the Measure S campaign? Is this an attempt to distract the public from the ethically questionable operations of this group? Do they think that the public is that naive? Do they think that the public has forgotten that it was their actions that all but destroyed the genuine public reuse forum known as the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority that contained a cross-section of all the leadership and best minds in the county?


The best response to this spurious outreach is to ignore it and vote overwhelmingly for Measure S on the March ballot. Let’s get the reuse planning process back on track--disband the charlatans of Newport Beach, reinstate ETRPA, and jump-start the legitimate planning process to assure the future of Orange County into the 21st century.


Lake Forest
