
Election Canceled for Lack of Challengers

In tiny, well-off Bradbury, the 935 residents apparently are a content bunch when it comes to the City Council. Again this year, the April council election has been canceled because the three incumbents face no opposition.

The council last week canceled the planned election and appointed the incumbents to new four-year terms. No one filed papers by the Jan. 17 deadline to challenge Mayor Mark T. Flewelling, Councilwoman Jan Mandroian or Councilman Edwin Schuck, whose terms expire in April.

It’s a process the council knows well. Despite candidates lining up by the dozen for elections in surrounding cities, not one member of Bradbury’s current five-member council has faced a competitive election.


The last such election was four years ago. Councilwoman Bea LaPisto-Kirtley has never been challenged since taking office a decade ago, city officials said.

Even in 1993, when voters recalled council members Audrey Hon and Tom Melbourn after former City Manager Dolly Vollaire was convicted of misusing city funds, Flewelling and Richard G. Barakat were elected unopposed to replace the pair.
